About This Writing Stuff…

This month, we begin with author marketing and branding with Good Story Company’s Michal Leah. From there, Anne R. Allen weighs in on the value of blogging vs Substack (and newsletters in general).

These days, of course, we can’t avoid the digital elephant in the room known as AI, especially as related to copyright infringement. Check out the latest on that from The Authors Guild and Sidebar Saturdays.

We conclude our lineup with a variety of fantastic articles covering such topics as crafting effective dialogue and unforgettable opening scenes to exploring your character’s taboos and writing compelling inner conflict. Enjoy!

DIY Author Marketing 101 by Michal Leah

Substack Newsletters vs. Blogging: Should Authors Quit Blogging and Join Substack by Anne R. Allen

No One Buys Books by Ellie Griffin

Authors Guild Supports Groundbreaking Bill to Create AI Transparency Between Creators and Companies 

Big Tech’s Disregard for Authors: AG Responds to Tech Companies Harvesting Books 

Artificial Intelligence Generated Work – Copyright Protection and Infringement by Matt Knight

Why Should I Bother with an Outline? by Kristen Overman

Dig Into Your Character’s Taboos by Kathryn Craft

Labeling Your Dialogue by Chris Winkle

Shaping the Sound of Your Dialogue by Chris Winkle

Pacing Your Dialogue by Chris Winkle

Avoid, Persevere, Endure, Fight: 4 Goals for Unforgettable Opening Scenes by Ayesha Ali via Jane Friedman

Upmarket Fiction: Everything You Need to Know by Louise Tondeur

Why Trains Make the Perfect Thriller and Mystery Setting by Debbie Babbit

How to Write Compelling Inner Conflict by Angela Ackerman via Jane Friedman