My attempt to restore this weekly feature on my blog was thwarted a few months into the year by a series of challenging, distressing, exhilarating, and generally overwhelming events—from editing a new speculative fiction anthology to the death of my mother-in-law, from a six-week home renovation to a partial roof collapse at my place of employment that caused 100-hour work weeks, from caring for a sick bunny (he’s better now, thankfully) to building a new website for one of the small-press publishers I work with.

Despite such “interesting times,” I managed to write four new chapters in my SF novel-in-progress and hammered out a 7K-word short story just this week. Honestly, that’s paltry progress compared to my usual output, but I’m grateful for anything given the mayhem of 2017—and we still have four months to go!
On a high note, my paranormal mystery novella, Like Mother, Like Daughters, was accepted by Firebringer Press and should be released next year as an eBook, audio book (recorded by yours truly), and in paperback paired up with a vampire novella written by Steven H. Wilson, fellow scribe and owner of Firebringer.
So much about this excites me beyond the obvious thrill of a new release. We plan to produce the paperback in the fashion of the old ACE doubles where you read one novella, then flip the book over read the other. Readers of a certain age (ahem) and older grew up enjoying those and I relish the prospect of producing a book in that format today.
Additionally, the speculative fiction anthology I’m editing is actually volume three in the Middle of Eternity series, also published by Firebringer. This third book, Meanwhile in the Middle of Eternity, is also slated for a 2018 release.
Back on topic, About This Writing Stuff… might end up appearing on a monthly basis rather than weekly as I try to balance my life and catch up on my writing, editing, and publishing schedules, not to mention maintain my health and sanity. Until then, I hope you find the articles below useful.
From Digital Book World, Beth Bacon teaches us about Creative Briefs, while Gordon Warnock urges not to disregard libraries when marketing our books. Over in the Kill Zone, James Scott Bell talks tough and Jordan Dane wants us to keep it real.
Kristen Lamb and Janice Hardy sub for Jami Gold on her blog with a deep dive into antagonists and conflict. As an aside, Jami is battling a health issue that she openly discusses on her blog and I want to take a moment to wish her the best.
All that and a little more… enjoy!
How to Write a Creative Brief So Your Graphic Designer Creates an Amazing Book Cover by Beth Bacon
Libraries Gone Digital: 4 Ways Libraries Expand Your Reach as an Author by Gordon Warnock
Conflict: Why It Isn’t Just About Fighting by Janice Hardy via Jami Gold
3 Ways to Add Depth to a Novel by Jody Hedlund
How to Talk Tough by James Scott Bell
How a Professional Editor Can Improve Your Writing by Jim Dempsey via Writer Unboxed
Dialogue: Ten Ways to Make it Real by Jordan Dane
Antagonist Series by Kristen Lamb via Jami Gold
The End-All-Be-All of Our Story
Hey Phil!
I just got a conditional acceptance by an agent on my new book, UNLICENSED LOVE, my first novel about theatrical (operatic) love, onstage and off. The condition is I must have it edited, which I intended to do in the first place. Wish me luck!
— Bob
Most excellent, Bob! Certainly something to mention during the opening “success stories” at the next GLVWG meeting. -Phil