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Over the River and Through the Woods!

Over the River and Through the Woods Advance CopiesA beam of sunlight on an otherwise dreadful day. My two advance copies of the winter holiday anthology, Over the River and Through the Woods, featuring my story, “Limited Time Offer.” The book will debut on October 8! Whoo-hoo… or Ho-Ho-Ho… or something like that… 😄

The full roster of authors includes Lorraine Donohue Bonzelet, Jennifer Diamond, Abigail Drake, Phil Giunta, Kimberly Kurth Gray, N.J. Hammer, Hilary Hauck, Eileen Enwright Hodgetts, Lori M. Jones, Ramona DeFelice Long, Janet McClintock, MaryAlice Meli, Amy Morley, Sherren Elias Pensiero, Cara Reinard, James Robinson, Jr., Larry Schardt, Kathleen Shoop, Demi Stevens, Denise Weaver, and Michele Zirkle.  Edited by Demi Stevens.

All of the writers listed above are attendees of the Mindful Writers Retreat, which  occurs three times per year at the Ligonier Camp and Conference Center in Ligonier, PA. I had the pleasure of attending my first retreat in October 2018 and it will not be my last!

Proceeds from the sale of the anthology benefit the Ligonier Camp and Conference Center. Stay tuned for more info!

About This Writing Stuff…

This week, Ruth Harris lays solid groundwork when it comes to cliffhangers and David Safford reinforces the concept of the hero’s journey.

Mary Anna Evans helps us find our author voice while Nancy Bilyeau provides tips on crafting believable historical fiction. Struggling to avoid those ugly info dumps? Let Kris Kennedy show you how to adroitly divulge all those details you’re dying to share with the reader.

Although writers must develop a thick skin when it comes to receiving criticism, we’re often called upon to give it as well. PJ Parrish and Jim Dempsey discuss constructive methods for offering valuable and relevant critiques.

All that and a little more. Enjoy!

How to Write a Page-Turner: Master the Seven Rules of the Cliffhanger by Ruth Harris

The Hero’s Journey: How to Write the Crossing the Threshold Scene by David Safford

How to Find Your Author Voice by Mary Anna Evans

4 Tips for Writing Historical Fiction by Nancy Bilyeau

How Can We Make Scenes Feel Stronger with Sequels? by Jami Gold

Backstory: Avoid Info Dumping by Making it Essential Part One / Part Two / Part Three by Kris Kennedy via Jami Gold

The Fine Art of Giving Out Criticism by PJ Parrish

How to Give Useful Criticism by Jim Dempey

Seven Tips for a Satisfying Mystery by Oren Ashkenazi

Advice to Writers Who Are In It by Annie Neugebauer




Book Review: The Deadly Streets by Harlan Ellison

The Deadly Streets by Harlan EllisonFor ten weeks in the early 1950s, Harlan Ellison joined a notorious Brooklyn street gang known as the Barons as part of his research for his first novel, Web of the City and later, his crime collection, The Deadly Streets.

The first edition of The Deadly Streets was released in 1958 and contained 11 hard-boiled tales about teenage street gangs. The book was re-released in 1975 with an additional five crime stories, some written in collaboration with other writers including “Ship-Shape Pay-Off” with Robert Silverberg and “Sob Story” Henry Slesar.

What sets these additional five stories apart from the original 11 is that they are much shorter and completely unrelated to the theme of teenage street gangs. Rather, they tend to focus on mob hits (“The Man with the Golden Tongue”), revenge (“Rat Hater”, “Hippie Slayer”) and personal vendettas (the aforementioned “Ship-Shape Pay-Off”). “Sob Story” is the weakest of the lot and barely qualifies as a crime drama.

My personal favorites from the collection include “We Take Care of our Dead,” “The Man with the Golden Tongue,” “Johnny Slice’s Stoolie,” “Buy Me That Blade,” “Hippie Slayer,” “With a Knife in Her Hand,” “Dead Shot,” and “Students of the Assassin.”

Although the slang is outdated and the depictions of violence mild by today’s standards, each of the original 11 tales present a vivid snapshot of the bloody and ruthless street gang culture of 1950s New York.

Easton Book Festival

The Easton Book Festival will take place the weekend of October 25-27, 2019 at various locations throughout downtown Easton, PA.

As part of the festival, the Greater Lehigh Valley Writers Group is sponsoring a series of writing workshops, presentations, and discussion panels on Saturday and Sunday at the Easton campus of Northampton Community College on the corner of 3rd and Pine Streets (adjacent to the Crayola Experience).

At this time, the topics have been selected, but the schedule is still tentative. I will present a one-hour session on self-editing called “Trim Your Story” on Saturday at noon and  another one-hour session called “Time Management for Writers” on Sunday at 1PM. I’m also slated to participate in  a discussion panel called “Writing in the 21st Century” on Saturday at 2PM.

Other authors will present topics on writing memoir, poetry, biographies, historical fiction, cover design, traditional publishing, and much more. I will post the final schedule when it becomes available.

In between all of that, I will have a table where my books will be available.  Looking forward to a weekend dedicated to the love of literature. Hope to see you there!

Book Review: Stalking Kilgore Trout by Rachel C. Thompson

Stalking Kilgore TroutAn entertaining collection of clever stories addressing religious, governmental, and LGBTQ themes, Stalking Kilgore Trout showcases Thompson’s breadth as a storyteller, offering an imaginative variety of characters, plots, and settings. The tales range from silly and outlandish to serious and critical, with more than a few that are blatantly—and perhaps intentionally—“on the nose.”

My only criticism is that the manuscript would have benefitted from a more thorough proofreading. Nevertheless, there were several gems including “Mary Cook and the Railway Men,” “Stalking Kilgore Trout,” “Death by Lawnmower,” “The Jesus Probe,” “Going Up the Mountain,” “The Witch Child,” and “A Cat’s Tale.”

About This Writing Stuff…

This week, Anne R. Allen laments the rise of “dark pattern marketing” by authors who attempt to bully potential readers by invading their privacy.

Dana Isaacson advises us on the effective use of flashbacks while Kristen Lamb reminds us of what it takes to be successful.

Going by the numbers, Jordan Dane expounds seven categories of conflict and Chris Winkle offers six types of climactic turning points. Oren Ashkenazi warns us to be aware of the messages we’re communicating through our writing and Angela Ackerman delves into the repercussions of fear.

All that and plenty more. Enjoy!

Is a “Personal Relationship” with Authors What Readers Want? by Anne R. Allen

How to Write Amazing Flashbacks by Dana Isaacson

Key Types of Conflict: Which One Best Fits Your Story? by Jordan Dane

In It to WIN It: How Committed Are You to Being a Successful Author? Kristen Lamb

Six Types of Turning Points for Climaxes and Filling In Your Story’s Middle by Chris Winkle

Depicting Characters Held Back by Fear by Angela Ackerman

Authorial Endorsement 101 by Oren Ashkenazi

Give Your Reader an Experience by Kathryn Craft

Negotiating Social Privilege as a Writer by Rheea Mukherjee

The Wonders of Your Character’s World View by Jim Dempsey