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Book Review: The Machineries of Joy by Ray Bradbury

As usual, Ray Bradbury writes in splendid imagery, his prose poetic. No one else wrote, or will ever write, like Bradbury.

Yet, I fear most of today’s editors would likely slash and gut much of his beautiful detail, carving the very heart from his work. Such are the changes in readers’ tastes, which I partly blame on the dumbing down of society.

The Machineries of Joy was, not surprisingly, a joy to read. Of the 21 brilliant stories included, my favorites were:

“Tyrannosaurus Rex” — A stop-motion animator, tasked with creating a miniature T-Rex, just cannot seem to satisfy a film producer—until he completely recreates the beast’s face to resemble someone very familiar.

“The Vacation”— Traveling atop a small four-wheeled workman’s railcar, a family of three takes a serene cross-country excursion, able to avoid the rest of humanity—because they are the last people on Earth.

“Boys! Raise Giant Mushrooms in your Cellar!”— Inspired by an ad in Popular Mechanics, a boy sends away for a kit to grow mushrooms in his parents’ cellar, something that seems to be catching on across the country. However, it isn’t long before alarming behavior begins to manifest in those who eat the mushrooms.

“Almost The End Of The World” — Two miners return home to regale the locals with yet more tall tales of adventure only to find their town completely changed. Everything is freshly painted from homes to shops to flower pots—and the locals suddenly prohibit the miners from uttering a word.

“And The Sailor, Home From The Sea” — A dying sea captain and widower, now living on a wheat farm far from the ocean, asks his caretaker to bury him at sea where he lost his wife so many years ago. When the time comes, the caretaker follows through—without ever leaving the farm.

“A Miracle of Rare Device” — Two schemers always looking for a fast buck discover a mirage in the New Mexico desert that appears to be New York City! They begin selling tickets to passersby, only to learn that each person sees something completely different—and life altering—in the trick of light and heat.

“And So Died Riabouchinska” — A detective investigating a murder questions a ventriloquist, but only learns the truth through the man’s exquisite Russian female puppet.

“Death and the Maiden” — Old Mam, or so the townsfolk call her, locked herself in her house decades ago, fearing the day when Death would come for her. She receives no visitors save for a grocery clerk who merely delivers food to her porch once every few weeks. When Death finally arrives, he tempts Old Mam with an unexpected offer.

“To The Chicago Abyss” — A homeless man who remembers what life on Earth was like before Annihilation Day is saved from a beating on the street by the member of a secret movement that wishes to return to the days of old. The homeless man’s reputation has fallen under the scrutiny of the authorities so the movement’s followers send the homeless man to a place of safety, but not before he imparts his knowledge to them.

“The Anthem Sprinters” — In Dublin, a group of Irishman place bets on who can run out of the cinema the fastest after a movie, in order to avoid listening to Ireland’s national anthem, which is played after the end of every film. When an American tourist is convinced to ante up and join the fun, he finds that even this callous group has a heart of gold.


Machineries of Joy by Ray Bradbury

The View From On High: The WWII Towers of Delaware


Beach NightsIn case you missed my other five or six posts about the Rehoboth Beach Reads short story contest, my paranormal tale, “Tower 16” took second place and will be published in the anthology, Beach Nights, coming in November from Cat and Mouse Press.

In fact, the book launch is scheduled for November 13, 2-4PM, at Browseabout Books on Rehoboth Avenue.

My story focuses on lonely WWII veteran and Rehoboth Beach resident Reggie Prell and his doting granddaughter, Hannah, who is visiting him during summer vacation with her parents. In between regaling Hannah with stories of his army career, Reggie is confronted by the ghosts of his brothers-in-arms, all of whom have passed away over the years leaving Reggie the lone surviving member of his battery. Realizing that his end is near, Reggie reveals to Hannah the legend of Tower 16—which only materializes to claim the souls of those who served in the fire control towers along Delaware’s coast. Will Tower 16 come for Reggie next?

I was told by the editor of the anthology that my story actually made one of the judges cry. I know it certainly moved me as I wrote it.

So What Is This Tower You Keep Referring To?

I’ve been fascinated by the WWII fire control towers along Delaware’s coast for years and always wanted to write a story about them, but it was not until the Beach Nights contest was announced that an idea finally came to me.

After all, tell a paranormal fiction writer that you’re looking for stories that take place at night and whaddaya expect to get?

My connection to Rehoboth Beach seems to sDelaware Beaches Plaquestrengthen each year. I was married there, and as I write this, I am back in town with my wife as we celebrate our anniversary.

For the past four summers, she and I have rented a house for a week every July with friends, and we take the occasional day trip here as our schedules permit.

When at all possible, I also try to include a visit to Tower 7 in Cape Henlopen. It is the only tower open to the public at present, but there is a growing movement to restore and open some of the others.

This past July, I had the pleasure of visiting Tower 3 near Dewey Beach, which I’d spotted earlier in the day during a parasailing excursion.


Of course, trips to the beach wouldn’t be complete wiTower T-Shirt and Plaquesthout stimulating the local economy. This time, I finally bought a few tower-themed goodies from the local shops, including a t-shirt and two wooden plaques as pictured here.

Below are several pictures taken not only of the tower in Cape Henlopen, but images of the ocean, the bay, and surrounding park taken by me  from the very top of the tower.


The Purpose of the TowersFire Control Tower2_Long

The Fire Control Towers were constructed by the US Army in the early days of WWII to protect the Delaware Bay from potential incursion by German vessels.

There were 11 total concrete towers built between Cape Henlopen and Bethany Beach. Across the bay in New Jersey, two were built in Cape May and still exist, while the pair in Wildwood have been demolished.

Further north in Delaware, five metal towers were raised in Fort Saulsbury, but only one remains at Big Stone Beach as shown below. Photo credit:

Fort Saulsbury Tower

The towers were mostly constructed in pairs in order to triangulate the position of enemy ships. The information would then be transmitted back to the gun crews.

Cape Henlopen was also the location of Fort Miles army base. Today, the base remains as a tourist attraction with many of the large caliber guns on display alongside the buildings as shown below.

Fort Miles Mobile Gun2 Fort Miles Rail Gun Fort Miles Massive Gun Fort Miles from Tower

Below: From the top of Tower 7, views of Delaware Bay, Atlantic Ocean, and Tower 12 in Cape Henlopen State Park.

Ocean from Henlopen Tower3 Ocean from Henlopen Tower2
Fire Control TowerCape May Ferry

Below: Tower 7 in Cape Henlopen State Park on a perfect summer day.

Fire Control Tower 7


Fort Saulsbury, DE website

Fort Miles, DE website


Can Being an IT Geek Benefit Your Fiction Writing?

Shortly after my first novel was published in 2010, one of my co-workers asked me about it while I was installing and configuring his new laptop. The president of our division at the time happened by and overheard the conversation. “I thought you were just a boring IT guy,” he remarked.

Perhaps I am—and that’s fine with me—but as I recalled this memory recently, it occurred to me just how much my 23 years in IT support might have have benefited my fiction writing, as contradictory as that might seem on the surface.  Really, it’s all about balancing the skills dominated by each side of the brain. Research suggests that the left brain controls reading and writing, calculation, and logical thinking while the right brain controls three-dimensional sense, creativity, and artistic senses.

Plan the Work, then Work the Plan…but also Be Organic

When it comes to approach, I realize there are two schools of thought—namely “plotters” vs. “pantsers”. The former are those writers who outline their stories in advance, thus creating a road map that plots a course from the beginning through middle to the end and everything in between. The latter group are those who have a fairly solid idea of how their story will proceed, but prefer not to
plan too much, thus writing by the “seat of their pants.”

With few exceptions (such as flash fiction and some short stories), I’m an ardent plotter. Working in the corporate world of project plans that show a logical progression from beginning to end,
with milestone goals along the way, is not much different from outlining a story.

Your outline is your plan that allows you plot a course through your story arc, including your characters’ journeys (protagonist, antagonist, and major supporting characters) and specifying key plot points (milestones) such as the inciting incident, scenes-and-sequels, the moment of change when your protagonist must stand up/step up/adjust attitude to overcome the major problem, and more.

However, writing fiction is an organic process and I have been known to take detours from my outlines if a better idea comes along while writing the story. That’s called flexibility and it’s perfectly fine.
Writing is also an experiment, just like any other art. If you try something that does not work, you can always turn around at the next intersection, or find a new route.

I’ve yet to be involved in a project in the corporate world that has not encountered even the smallest obstacle, required a different solution than what was specified in the initial plan, or needed timeline adjustments.

We’re human beings, after all, not automatons.

Solve the Problem

If there is one skill you hone quickly as an IT support tech, it’s troubleshooting. Some problems have quick fixes (change a setting or the old standby…reboot!) while others require research (a bizarre error message you never saw before) or a complete overhaul of the system (re-installation of the operating system, upgrade or replacement of the hardware).

The same could be said for plot problems. I’m not referring to the plot complications faced by your protagonist in your story. I’m talking about the heart-stopping, “oh-shit” mistakes you encounter while writing.

Did you stumble upon a plot hole that you need to fix? Did you fail to take something into consideration when you were outlining and now it’s become evident while writing your story (hopefully, you weren’t too far along)? Did it stop you in your tracks and prevent you from moving forward? Do you need to step back and rewrite the last several scenes or chapters?

I’ve been fortunate so far in my young writing career that any plot problems found in my drafts were solved with relatively simple rewrites. In a few cases, further research was required, but I’ve never had to completely overhaul or (yikes!) abandon a work-in-progress. I attribute that to solid planning up front.

Troubleshooting problems in your writing can be just as frustrating as it is with technology, but the ability to think on your feet (or in your seat) and try various solutions is a skill that will never let you down and might even improve your story or at least get you moving forward again. It will most certainly mold you into a more experienced writer.

Think Logically

There’s an old writing adage: Real life doesn’t make sense, but fiction must.

IT professionals often encounter system problems that, at first glance, make no damn sense at all. However, careful analysis of the sequence of events that led up to a problem often reveals the cause.

Readers must be able to follow your story’s logical progression without retracing their steps and analyzing the sequence of events that led the characters to wherever they are in the story.  If the plot is too dense or stultifying,  or contains too much extraneous information, or if you mention something fleetingly in Chapter Three that suddenly reemerges in Chapter Nine as an integral part of the story, this may confuse the reader, which could result in a negative review for your book on Amazon or Goodreads.

I suggest that YOU analyze each draft of your manuscript to ensure a logical and smooth flow of the plot and story. When I finish a first draft, I put it away and do not look at it again for at least a week or more. I then go back and read through it specifically searching for plot problems, areas that need to be rewritten, extraneous narrative, and anything that throws me out of the story.

I don’t believe in the popular saying, “the first draft of anything is shit,” but there ain’t no such thing as a perfect first draft either.

Remember, what made sense to you while writing the story might not make sense to a reader.  As you gain experience with each project, you’ll develop an instinct for recognizing more of these pitfalls, but you’ll never catch everything.

I typically wait until a second or possibly third draft before allowing my critique partners to gnaw on it.  Through self-editing, you’ll solve some problems and trim some of the fat on your own, deft critique partners will find more, and a perspicacious editor will find ones that escaped everyone else.

I don’t claim that my writing is perfect, but I use my growing skill set and experience to the best of my ability on every project.

Now, balancing time between IT and creative writing careers is a whole other challenge!


Book Review: Mr. Monk Helps Himself

Life has changed for Natalie Teeger. After leaving San Francisco months ago to work as a temporary police officer in Summit, New Jersey, Natalie’s career in law enforcement has advanced beyond the role of mere assistant to renowned detective Adrian Monk.

Upon returning to San Francisco, Natalie sets her sights on passing the P.I. exam and becoming Monk’s partner.  As a first step in that direction, she begins calling him Adrian instead of Mr. Monk. This does not sit well with the obsessive-compulsive detective who hates change.

If there’s one thing that Monk hates more than change, it’s clowns. When part-time clown Dudley Smith—aka J.P. Tatters—dies after handling cash coated in poison, SFPD Captain Leland Stottlemeyer calls Monk in to consult.

Meanwhile, to help bolster her confidence and reduce her stress before taking the P.I. exam, Natalie turns to celebrated self-help guru Miranda Bigley, creator of the Best Possible Me program. Along with Monk’s new girlfriend Ellen, Natalie visits Miranda’s campus known as the Sanctuary. There, Miranda and her husband Damien teach several workshops including yoga, meditation, and self-affirmation.

On the day that Monk turns up at the Sanctuary to dissuade Natalie from joining this “cult”, Miranda Bigley leaps to her death in front of dozens of witnesses. It isn’t long before Natalie suspects that Miranda might actually have been murdered, but she is unable to enlist Monk’s help since he reluctantly agreed to assist Stottlemeyer track down the clown’s killer. Thus, Natalie recruits Ellen to infiltrate the Sanctuary in search of the truth surrounding Miranda’s death.

This is the first MONK novel written by Hy Conrad, who not only took over from the fabulous Lee Goldberg, but also wrote for the TV series. I missed the final two installments penned by Goldberg, but Conrad does an admirable job of filling in background details. In my humble opinion, this is not the best of the MONK novels, but I’ll give Conrad kudos for his first try. He maintains crisp pacing throughout the story and, with few exceptions, the same humorous banter between the characters as seen in the TV series. Even though all of the MONK novels are told from Natalie’s first-person POV, Mr. Monk Helps Himself is focused far more on her than on Monk, which might turn off some readers.

Mr. Monk Helps Himself