Category Archives: Opinion

About This Writing Stuff…

This week, Tim Grahl reveals the ingredients to a successful book launch while Joanna Penn offers quick advice on how to combat imposter syndrome.

Over at the Kill Zone, James Scott Bell provides guidance on character description while Jordan Dane talks layering scenes and plot. We have a twofer from that wise Mythcreant, Chris Winkle, who first expounds several methods for ensuring your protagonists pull their weight, and then points out how to spot misandry in your story.

Writer pal Kathryn Craft reveals why you might be afraid of your WIP while Tiffany Yates Martin whips our editor’s brain into shape.

All that and a little more. Enjoy!

The Book Launch Framework: How I Keep Launching Bestselling Books by Tim Grahl

How Writers Can Deal with Self-Doubt and Imposter Syndrome by Joanna Penn

How to Describe Your Main Character by James Scott Bell

How to Enhance Your Writing by Layering Your Scenes & Plot by Jordan Dane

18 Ways for Protagonists to Contribute and Five Signs Your Story is Sexist—Against Men by Chris Winkle

CockyGate Update: One Writer’s Adjective; Another Writer’s Short-Lived Trademark by Matt Knight

How to Train Your Editor Brain by Tiffany Yates Martin

12 Signs You’re Afraid of Your WIP by Kathryn Craft

6 Ways to Immerse Your Readers in the Setting of a Story by Joslyn Chase


About This Writing Stuff…

This week, Kristen Lamb ponders the importance of talent while Chris Syme offers a primer on preserving your authorial reputation in a crisis.

Kris Kennedy concludes her five-part series on avoiding the nefarious info-dump and Jordan Dane defines narrative drive.

Over at Writer Unboxed, Donald Maass analyzes what makes a true hero or heroine while Heather Webb provides tips on writing an effective query letter.

The New York Times reminds us that fact-checking is everyone’s responsibility and Kickstarter finds itself embroiled in a labor dispute.

All that and a little more. Enjoy!

Do Some People Lack the Talent to be a Successful Author? by Kristen Lamb

The Five Myths of Crisis Management for Authors by Chris Syme via Anne R. Allen

Pitfalls and Solutions for Writing a Science Thriller by Amy Rogers

Backstory: Avoid Info Dumping by Making it Essential-Part Four and Part Five by Kris Kennedy via Jami Gold

Narrative Drive—Do You Have It? by Jordan Dane

Rookie Mistakes Indie Writers Make by James Scott Bell

It’s a Fact: Mistakes are Embarrassing the Publishing Industry by Alexandra Alter

The Making of a Hero or Heroine by Donald Maass

Writing the Query Letter: Dos and Don’ts by Heather Webb

How to Market a Book: 10 First Steps by Joe Bunting

Is There a Labor War Brewing Inside of Kickstarter? by Tobias Carroll

All At Once, They Were Gone…

As I write this on the final Sunday evening of September, I dread going into work tomorrow even more than usual. A critical software upgrade that should have finished successfully on Friday afternoon went awry and kept me at the office until 7:30PM with no solution. Even the vendor’s tech support claimed that they had never seen the situation we encountered, leaving us with unusable software and no recourse. I suspect we’ll need to rollback to the previous version tomorrow morning. It will be misery.

To make my Friday night even more interesting, the contracting company that we hired to replace our first floor shower stall ordered the wrong doors. Had the installer arrived with the proper doors on Wednesday, the job would have been completed in one day. Instead, the installer had to arrange for the correct doors to be delivered from upstate PA and installed two nights later. He arrived at 9:15PM on Friday night and was finished in about 20 minutes.

As a funny aside, part of the shower stall renovation on Wednesday included replacement of the fixtures and plumbing inside the wall. This required me to turn off the main water valve for about 30 minutes. The following morning, when I stepped into our second floor shower and pulled the faucet to send the water up to the shower head, the pressure jettisoned the ballcock in the toilet, knocking the lid askew. I had to rush out of the tub to turn off the valve at the toilet and dry up the water that had sprayed out of the tank.

So, after work on Thursday evening, I purchased a new ballcock from the local ACE hardware and replaced it only to find that the supply line had been damaged in by the sudden burst of water pressure. Fortunately, I had two supply lines in stock and the repair was finished within reasonable time.

These events, as irritating and inconvenient as they were, are insignificant when compared to two far more distressing events that occurred on Thursday. Approximately five hours apart, I lost a friend to heart failure in a New Jersey hospital and an acquaintance to a massive stroke in a Maryland hospital. Both men were prominent in the SF fandom community along the east coast.

Todd Brugmans was a remarkable young artist with a zest for life. He and his wife Annie were active in STARFLEET  (the international Star Trek fan club) and ubiquitous at many SF conventions along the east coast such as Farpoint, Shore Leave, and others.  Todd created the cover art for well over a dozen convention program books as well as novels written by pals Diane Baron and Lance Woods.

The Fandom Fifty by Diane Lee Baron Todd’s final book cover art was for The Fandom Fifty by Diane Baron, a  chronicling of the rich history of the Baltimore SF convention scene through interviews with many longtime organizers, guests, and attendees, myself included.

At 10:15PM on Thursday, 9/26/19, Todd succumbed to heart disease after five trying days in the hospital.

Lew Aide was a veteran SF convention attendee and volunteer in the Baltimore region for decades. After suffering a massive stroke last weekend—and spending days on life support—Lew passed at 5:01PM on 9/26/19. A few of Lew’s closest friends noted that 5:01PM in military time is 1701, the registry number of the USS Enterprise from Star Trek. Lew, they said, was a true fan to the end.

As if those losses were not devastating enough, there was a third. Ken Giroux, owner of Next Generation Toys, is one of the most popular dealers at SF conventions. If you like action figures, Ken is your guy. For many years, his wife Kathy attended the cons with him. We learned on Saturday that Kathy departed this plane of existence on 8/22/19.

It goes without saying that I hope never to see such a horrible week as this ever again.

About This Writing Stuff…

This week, Ruth Harris lays solid groundwork when it comes to cliffhangers and David Safford reinforces the concept of the hero’s journey.

Mary Anna Evans helps us find our author voice while Nancy Bilyeau provides tips on crafting believable historical fiction. Struggling to avoid those ugly info dumps? Let Kris Kennedy show you how to adroitly divulge all those details you’re dying to share with the reader.

Although writers must develop a thick skin when it comes to receiving criticism, we’re often called upon to give it as well. PJ Parrish and Jim Dempsey discuss constructive methods for offering valuable and relevant critiques.

All that and a little more. Enjoy!

How to Write a Page-Turner: Master the Seven Rules of the Cliffhanger by Ruth Harris

The Hero’s Journey: How to Write the Crossing the Threshold Scene by David Safford

How to Find Your Author Voice by Mary Anna Evans

4 Tips for Writing Historical Fiction by Nancy Bilyeau

How Can We Make Scenes Feel Stronger with Sequels? by Jami Gold

Backstory: Avoid Info Dumping by Making it Essential Part One / Part Two / Part Three by Kris Kennedy via Jami Gold

The Fine Art of Giving Out Criticism by PJ Parrish

How to Give Useful Criticism by Jim Dempey

Seven Tips for a Satisfying Mystery by Oren Ashkenazi

Advice to Writers Who Are In It by Annie Neugebauer




About This Writing Stuff…

This week, Anne R. Allen laments the rise of “dark pattern marketing” by authors who attempt to bully potential readers by invading their privacy.

Dana Isaacson advises us on the effective use of flashbacks while Kristen Lamb reminds us of what it takes to be successful.

Going by the numbers, Jordan Dane expounds seven categories of conflict and Chris Winkle offers six types of climactic turning points. Oren Ashkenazi warns us to be aware of the messages we’re communicating through our writing and Angela Ackerman delves into the repercussions of fear.

All that and plenty more. Enjoy!

Is a “Personal Relationship” with Authors What Readers Want? by Anne R. Allen

How to Write Amazing Flashbacks by Dana Isaacson

Key Types of Conflict: Which One Best Fits Your Story? by Jordan Dane

In It to WIN It: How Committed Are You to Being a Successful Author? Kristen Lamb

Six Types of Turning Points for Climaxes and Filling In Your Story’s Middle by Chris Winkle

Depicting Characters Held Back by Fear by Angela Ackerman

Authorial Endorsement 101 by Oren Ashkenazi

Give Your Reader an Experience by Kathryn Craft

Negotiating Social Privilege as a Writer by Rheea Mukherjee

The Wonders of Your Character’s World View by Jim Dempsey


About This Writing Stuff…

This week, Chris Winkle reviews common IT mistakes in fiction and how to correct them while Angela Ackerman helps us improve our character descriptions. Speaking of characters, Ruth Harris runs through a roll call of irresistible rogues and shows us how they can spice up our fiction.

Nate Hoffelder offers financial advice for first time self-publishers and Crystal King provides a brief tutorial on Instagram.  Kristen Lamb talks breakout novels and gatekeepers, Maria Grace reminds us that mere machinery does not good science fiction make, and writer pal Donna DeLoretta Brennan is in the spotlight for her new short story collection!

All that and a bit of counseling from Konrath, too. Enjoy!

Five Information Technology Blunders and How to Fix Them by Chris Winkle

Character Descriptions: Avoiding the Boring Stuff by Angela Ackerman via Jami Gold

Six Things Writers Need to Stop Worrying About by Joe Konrath

Instagram 101 for Authors by Crystal King

How to Waste Money When Self-Publishing a First Book by Nate Hoffelder

Rogue Characters: The Secret to Compelling Fiction by Ruth Harris

Forget the Mess-It’s a Time for a Story with Donna DeLoretto Brennan via Catherine Castle

Science Fiction: More than Gizmos by Maria Grace via Kristen Lamb

The Breakout Novel and Why Publishing is Desperate for the Next Big Thing and Gatekeepers & Good Books: Trophy Fishing in a Literary Tsunami  by Kristen Lamb