Category Archives: Blog

The Crossroads by James Gallahan

The Crossroads by James GallahanYou’ve come to a place where ghost stories, whodunits, and tales of vengeance and suspense meet in new and terrifying ways.

In this unique collection of short stories in English and Spanish by James Gallahan, the reader is taken on a journey to the crossroads of good and evil, life and death.

If you enjoy tales with twists and unexpected endings that make you want to sleep with the light on, then this nail-biting collection is for you.

Ready to take on the unknown? Prepare yourself for The Crossroads  premiering October 24!

Dead Man's Cave by James GallahanWhile you’re at it, check out James Gallahan’s debut novel, Dead Man’s Cave.

A crew of pirates and a famed treasure ship. Can a gifted captain steal a fortune, and then keep it against impossible odds?

It is 1695, and a fleet of pirate ships led by Henry Avery captures the Emperor of India’s treasure ship, plundering it of a fortune in money and jewels. This amazing heist makes Avery the richest pirate in the world.

The emperor’s soldiers will do anything to reclaim the treasure, and now Avery is a man on the run. He is chased up one coast and down another, ending up in New York fighting against great odds to keep his ill-gotten fortune.

A sinister enemy with wide underground connections is poised to attack and destroy Avery and everything he cares about. Plus, the cave where Avery attempts to hide his loot is protected by fierce creatures the indigenous people call Mhuwe.

Dead Man’s Cave is filled with astonishing twists and captivating action. If you like reading adventure stories, tales of horror set in dark caves, and endings you didn’t see coming, then you’ll love James Gallahan’s debut novel.

Get Dead Man’s Cave today and be swept away on the adventure of your life.



About This Writing Stuff…

This week’s lineup bring us several “how-to” articles including writing diverse and developed characters, marketing your book without social media, and outlining your novel (or not).

Is writing for TV better than writing feature films? Ken Miyamoto discusses. Confused about when and how to use a Framing Device in your story? Britton Perelman explains.

Jennie Nash explores the importance of asking yourself why you feel compelled to write that story that’s been bouncing around in your head. Over at Sidebar Saturdays, Matt Knight delves into estate planning for writers while at the Kill Zone, James Scott Bell argues on behalf of going exclusive with KDP and Kindle Unlimited.

All that and a little more. Enjoy!

Elevator Pitching: How to Grab Someone’s Attention in 30 Seconds or Less by David Young

How to Write Diverse Characters (And, Also, Are You Qualified?) by Joiya Morrison-Efemini

How to Create Characters by Kristen Overman

Why Writing TV is Better than Writing Feature Films (and Why it’s Not) by Ken Miyamoto

Everything You Need to Know About Framing Devices by Britton Perelman

Sequencing and Layering: Advanced Techniques That Will Improve Your Writing by Kevin Nelson

Why Write This Book? by Jennie Nash via Jane Friedman

How to Market Your Book Without Social Media by Carol J. Michel

Warning to Writers: You Won’t See This New Publishing Scam Coming by Anne R. Allen

How to Outline Your Novel. Or Not by Hank Phillippi Ryan

On Going Exclusive by James Scott Bell

Estate Planning for Writers by Matt Knight

Estate Planning for Writers Part II – Transferring Intellectual Property to a Corporate Entity by Matt Knight

World-Building Through Architecture by Dave King



It’s Hip to be Square!

I haz books! My 13 copies of Halloween Party ‘21 have arrived. Gravelight Press has produced a gorgeous 7×7 horror anthology replete with terrifying tales and vintage Halloween illustrations. I’m honored to be included.
It’s hip to be square!
Available in ebook and paperback now.

Givin’ Ya the Shivers!

Prepare to be scared! 💀 Coming November 15, Fae Corps Publishing‘s two-volume horror anthology, Fae Shivers, includes Forgotten Horrors and Remembered Nightmares. 👻
My demonic possession story, “Break and Enter,” will be featured in Remembered Nightmares. After a fugitive breaks into an old country chapel, the pastor learns that he’s running from something far more terrifying than the death penalty. 😈
Available in paperback in November.
Fae Shivers: Remembered Nightmares Cover Fae Shivers: Forgotten Horrors Cover
  Phil Giunta's Bio in Fae Shivers

Creatures, Crimes, and Creativity Recap

A busy week resulted in a delayed after-action report of my first experience with Creatures, Crimes, and Creativity (C3). While this annual writers conference in Columbia, MD is geared toward crime fiction, mystery, paranormal, fantasy, and science fiction, all genres are welcome. This year’s keynote speakers were Hank Phillippi Ryan, NYT bestselling author and 37-time Emmy-award winning journalist and  Sherrilyn Kenyon, NYT bestselling author of over 80 novels. Sherrilyn’s inspiring, poignant speech damn near brought many of us to tears. 

Vaughn Jackson, Sherrilyn Kenyon, and Phil Giunta
With Vaughn Jackson and Sherrilyn Kenyon at Creatures, Crimes, and Creativity Con (C3).

Special guests included Kathleen Barber, whose novel Are You Sleeping was the basis for Apple TV’s Truth Be Told, and James Grady, author of Six Days of the Condor, which was made into the classic 1975 Robert Redford film, Three Days of the Condor. I suspect the other three days were victims of Hollywood budget cuts, but I digress.

Phil Giunta with James Grady
With James Grady at Creatures, Crimes, and Creativity Con (C3).

The conference delivered a fun and edifying variety of discussion panels and presentations on various aspects of writing and publishing, ranging from creating captivating characters and writing believable fight scenes to the value of deep listening and the elements of world building. I participated in the latter panel as well as another on writing in the paranormal and speculative fiction genres. 

Friday night’s Noir at the Bar treated us to eight talented storytellers who read samples of their work from a breadth of genres including crime fiction, fantasy, steampunk, and paranormal.

It was a joy to meet and chat with several amazing writers throughout the weekend including Lanny Larcinese, Ef Deal, Glenn Parris, Vaughn Jackson, F.J. Talley, Frank Hopkins, Sharon Buchbinder, and former MMA fighter, J.R. White. A special shout-out to Weldon Burge on the debut of his first novel, Harvester of Sorrow. Weldon is also the owner of Smart Rhino Publications and had published my ghost story, “Bottom of the Hour,” in his anthology A Plague of Shadows in 2018. He and I have stories in about four different anthologies, each from different presses. 

Speaking of anthologies, C3 produces a limited edition anthology available only to attendees of the conference each year. Although the book is not available to the public, it was no less exciting to see my Sherlock Holmes and Johnny Watson tale, “The Five-Day Killer,” in print for the first time since I wrote it six years ago. Perhaps it’ll become a valuable collector’s item if I ever hit the big time. 

C3 2021 Anthology Front Cover   C3 2021 Anthology Back Cover    The Five-Day Killer - first page

I carpooled to the con with fellow speculative fiction writer, Chris Ochs, who also happens to be the president of the Greater Lehigh Valley Writers Group. After the con ended on Sunday, Chris and I drove to the Common Kitchen in Clarksville where we met several local friends for lunch before heading home. 

My deepest gratitude and admiration to redoubtable C3 organizers Austin Camacho, Denise Camacho, Cynthia Lauth, Susan Henry McBride, and Jodi Schwartz for their Herculean efforts to make the conference a success!

C3 Conference Team
The C3 Team! (L to R): Jodi Schwartz, Cynthia Lauth, Austin Camacho, Susan Henry McBride, Denise Camacho

About This Writing Stuff…

This week, Ruth Harris offers sage advice on writing that ever daunting blurb. Over at the Kill Zone, James Scott Bell carves out a middle ground for plotters and pantsers while PJ Parrish ponders what comes first, plot or character.

Speaking of characters, Donald Maass encourages us to create fully realized characters by first being real with ourselves. Rebecca D’Harlingue offers advice on dual-timeline plots, Steve Myers argues that our protagonist’s outer journey is fundamentally an inner journey, and Barnes and Noble’s restructuring might be the comeback story of the year.

All that and little more. Enjoy!

How to Improve Your Writing Skills: Take Your Writing from Good to Great by Nicole Dieker

How to Write the D*mn Blurb by Ruth Harris

Writing About the Pandemic—or Not? by Paula Munier

Plot or Character: What’s Your Starting Point? by PJ Parrish

Five Questions to Ask Before Starting a Dual Timeline Novel by Rebecca D’Harlingue

Plotting for Pantsers and Pantsing for Plotters by James Scott Bell

B&N Rides a Wave of Positive Trends by Jim Milliot

Have Print ARCs Become a Hot Commodity? by Weronika Strzyżyńska

The Inward Path of the Protagonist’s Journey by Scott Myers

Purple Prose and the Word Surgeon’s Scalpel by Tom Bentley

Creating Character Safety Zones by Donald Maass