Horror has evolved since it began from H.P. Lovecraft and Universal Monsters to slasher killers and modern psychological horror. For the last few years, some of the fun and campiness of earlier horror has been lacking and OPP wanted to fill that void.
Contributing writers include:
“The Mushroom Man” by Clover S. Laurel
“Where Am I?” by Cole Jamison
“A Lovely Evening” by Colin Anderson
“Not at This Time” by Colin Newton
“Jerk By The Side of the Road” by Donald Bingle
“Killing Time” by J. Patrick Conlon
“Gin, Neat” by Jacob Jones-Goldstein
“The Goodfellow House” by Jaqueline Moran Meyer
“Quid Pro Quo” by Jude Reid
“Just Like In the Movies” by Kurt Newton
“Cat’s Eyes” by Lynn Conrad
“Silence” by Marcella Harte Conlon
“Eyes Of Green Hall Estate” by Matthew M. Montelione
“The Last of the Amontillado” by M.C. St John
“Old Growth” by Michael Fassbender
“Hangman” by Mike Murphy
“Burn After Writing” by Phil Giunta
“Winter Prey” by R.A. Goli
“Grandma’s Dead, Isn’t She?” by T.S. Alan
“Office Politics” by Victoria Dalpe
“On the Viaduct” by Weldon Burge
“Peace Is A Lie” by Johnny Guzman (comic book)