Tag Archives: about this writing stuff

About This Writing Stuff…

This month, personal experiences come into play as Kathryn Craft reminds us to cultivate a productive and fulfilling writing life, Gwen Plano examines different aspects of character diversity, and Scott Hines creates meaningful connections on social media.

In the marketing department, Jan Sikes delves into BookTok while AJ Jack offers seven methods for analyzing reader habits. Want to know more about the book-to-screen process? Literary agents Allison Hunter and Jennifer Weltz give us the low down.

All that and a lot more. Enjoy!

The Book that Tore Everyone Apart by Gaby Hinsliff

The Fight Between Authors and Librarians Tearing Book Lovers Apart by Pranshu Verma

How Are Books Adapted for the Screen? Two Agents Demystify the Process by Sangeeta Mehta

Transparency in Slush: The Wizard Behind the Curtain by AJ Cunder

Dear Writer: Advice on Cultivating Connection in the Internet Age by Scott Hines

Fill Your Writing Life by Kathryn Craft

7 Clever Ways Authors Can Learn More About Readers Online by AJ Jack

8 Sequence Structure: The Best-Kept Screenwriting Secret by Britton Perelman

#MKTG 17 – TikTok by Jan Sikes

Characters and Diversity Part I: Race by Gwen M. Plano

Characters and Diversity Part II: Wealth by Gwen M. Plano

Characters and Diversity Part III: Physical Ability by Gwen M. Plano


About This Writing Stuff…

New on the monthly roundup, Philip Athans reminds us that writing is a lifelong calling while Kristen Lamb reviews different aspects of world-building.

Tiffany Yates Martin examines the elements that go into creating complex characters. Speaking of which, what makes characters “likeable”? That depends on genre, as Anne R. Allen explains.

Over at Career Authors, Hank Phillippi Ryan and Dana Isaacson provide advice on self-editing while Daryl Wood Gerber helps us avoid burnout while writing a series.

From Writer Unboxed, Donald Maass delves into the inner workings of story imagination and Kathryn Craft encourages us to visualize our scenes not as authors, but as our characters.

All that a lot more. Enjoy!

Are You a “Lifer”? by Philip Athans

Beyond Character Goal and Motivation – The Longing and the Lack by Tiffany Yates Martin

17 BookBub As Designs Promoting Books in a Series by Carlyn Robertson

DIY Author Marketing 101 by Michal Leah

Why “Likeable” Characters Depend on Genre by Anne R. Allen

10 Things Beginning Writers Must Do by Anne R. Allen

5 Tips to Pick Up the Pace by Dana Isaacson

Copy Editing Secrets by Hank Phillippi Ryan

5 Tips to Keep a Series Fresh by Daryl Wood Gerber

World-Building: Captivate Readers and Never Let Go by Kristen Lamb

Seeing Through a Character’s Eyes: Literally by Kathryn Craft

Three Modes of Story Imagination by Donald Maass

Trademark Tips for Writers – How to Protect Your Creative Work by Matt Knight

Writing Mistakes: Choosing Between Plotting vs. Pantsing by Michael Woodson

10 Relaxing Activities to Rediscover Your Writing Voice by Miles Oliver


About This Writing Stuff…

This week, Anne R. Allen warns us against career-killing marketing tactics, Ruth Harris shows authors how to build a better bio, and Beth Barany provides strategies for developing characters and plot.

At Writer Unboxed, Kathryn Craft offers sage advice on handling copy edits while over at the Kill Zone, James Scott Bell helps us determine when our book is ready for prime time.

Angela Ackerman explains how to use setting as more than a mere backdrop and my favorite article of this batch is Lauren Sapala’s timely (for me) discussion of the paralyzing stress that can occur when writers become too “attached to outcome.”

All that and a little more. Enjoy!

How Bad Marketing Can Destroy Your Author Brand, Lose Friends, and Influence Nobody by Anne R. Allen

How to Plan, Write, and Develop a Book: Word Count Goals for the Three Acts of Your Novel, Memoir, or Non-Fiction Book by Mary Carroll Moore

6 Ways Your Author Bio Can Help You Sell Books by Ruth Harris

Top Digital Marketing Takeaways from U.S. Book Show 2022 by AJ Jack via BookBub

Copy Edits: To Challenge or Concede? by Kathryn Craft

When Is Your Book Ready to be Published? by James Scott Bell

7 Essential Tips to Plan Your Novel Like a Pro by Beth Barany via Anne R. Allen

Serialization Rights for Traditional and Self-Published Authors by Matt Knight at Sidebar Saturdays

Publishing Contracts 101: Beware Internal Contradictions by Victoria Strauss at Writer Beware

Setting Description Mistakes that Weaken a Story by Angela Ackerman

Stressed About Your Writing? What’s Really Going On (and How to Get Over It) by Lauren Sapala



About This Writing Stuff…

This week, screenwriter Taika Waititi weighs in with morsels of screenwriting (and storytelling) wisdom. Niesha Davis explains the value of sensitivity readers while Allison Williams provides guidance on the effective use of social media. Speaking of which, Philip Athans ponders how much writers need to reveal about themselves online.

Over at Career Authors, Erin Flanagan offers guilt-free advice for those burned out on writing and Paula Munier reviews the rules on POV and how to break them with authority.

All that and a lot more. Enjoy!

Craft a Killer Fantasy Premise Using Good versus Evil by Amy Wilson

What Do Our Readers Need to Know About Us? by Philip Athans

Sweet Emotion by James Scott Bell

10 Pieces of Screenwriting Wisdom from Taika Waititi by Ken Miyamoto

Hiding Your Villain in Plain Sight by Sarah Penner

Being the Boss of Your Author Business by Karen A. Chase

The Daring Writer’s Guide to Point of View by Paula Munier

Burnt Out on Writing? 5 Tips for a Productive Break by Erin Flanagan

Nine Ways to Describe Your Viewpoint Character by Chris Winkle

Writers, Stop Using Social Media (Like That) by Allison Williams via Jane Friedman

Don’t Self-Publish a Book Before Answering These Crucial Questions by J.J. Hebert

Ten Years of Self-Publishing (2012-2022) by Alliance of Independent Authors

What to Expect When Hiring a Sensitivity Reader by Niesha Davis via  Leigh Shulman’s blog.


About This Writing Stuff…

This week, Kathryn Craft offers guidance on adding foreshadowing to your manuscript while Anne R. Allen strongly advises writers to appoint a social media executor.

At the Write Practice, Michelle Renee Miller provides a few time management methods for writing on a busy schedule and Joe Bunting lists ten book writing strategies that, in his opinion, are doomed to fail. I don’t agree with all of them, but his arguments are persuasive.

Kristen Lamb speaks out against the latest trend of reading ebooks in their  entirety and returning them for a refund. She also takes to task writers for purple prose, crutch phrases, and other forms of filler.

All that and a little more. Enjoy!

Foreshadowing: A Revision Skill to Love by Kathryn Craft

Exploit Your Hero’s Flaws by Jim Dempsey

10 Book Writing Strategies that End in Failure by Joe Bunting

3 Foolproof Ways to Write With a Busy Schedule by Michelle Renee Miller

What is Rhythmic Writing? by Sue Coletta

Tolkien on the Importance of Fantasy and Science Fiction by Jonny Thomson

Literary Larceny & Why People Should Be Ashamed by Kristen Lamb

Fiction Filler: Bloated Writing Makes Readers Sick by Kristen Lamb

Why Every Writer Needs a Social Media Executor by Anne R. Allen

The Indie Writer Book Launch Guide Part I and Part II by Scott Semegran

About This Writing Stuff…

This week, Anne R. Allen explains the need for sensitivity readers and the consequences of disregarding them. Also on Anne’s blog, Stefan Edmunds presents The Adversity Cycle as a method for storytelling.

On the Screencraft blog, Ken Miyamoto offers advice on how to secure a manager and agent for your screenplay and David Young shows us effective ways to describe our characters beyond mere physical appearance.

At Career Authors, Brian Andrews delves into methods for managing backstory while Erica Ferencik provides valuable guidance on navigating the writing life. Kathryn Craft and Barbara Linn Probst discuss ways to breathe life into our secondary characters.

All that and a little more. Enjoy!

Screenwriting Basics: How to Sign with a Manager (and Agent) by Ken Miyamoto

7 Unusual Ways to Describe Characters in Your Screenplay by David Young

The Difference Between Jeff Bezos and Me by Bradley Graham

The Adversity Cycle by Stefan Edmunds via Anne R. Allen

Writers, Do You Need a Sensitivity Reader for Your Book? by Anne R. Allen

3 Successful Strategies to Write a Short Story by Sarah Gribble

4 Tips for Writing Backstory by Brian Andrews

11 Hard-Earned Lessons from Three Decades of Writing by Erica Ferencik

Are You Drowning Your Story in Your Imagery? by Dave King

Secondary Characters Deserve a Life of Their Own by Kathryn Craft

Secondary Characters with Purpose and Pzazz by Barbara Linn Probst