Tag Archives: career authors

About This Writing Stuff…

New on the monthly roundup, Philip Athans reminds us that writing is a lifelong calling while Kristen Lamb reviews different aspects of world-building.

Tiffany Yates Martin examines the elements that go into creating complex characters. Speaking of which, what makes characters “likeable”? That depends on genre, as Anne R. Allen explains.

Over at Career Authors, Hank Phillippi Ryan and Dana Isaacson provide advice on self-editing while Daryl Wood Gerber helps us avoid burnout while writing a series.

From Writer Unboxed, Donald Maass delves into the inner workings of story imagination and Kathryn Craft encourages us to visualize our scenes not as authors, but as our characters.

All that a lot more. Enjoy!

Are You a “Lifer”? by Philip Athans

Beyond Character Goal and Motivation – The Longing and the Lack by Tiffany Yates Martin

17 BookBub As Designs Promoting Books in a Series by Carlyn Robertson

DIY Author Marketing 101 by Michal Leah

Why “Likeable” Characters Depend on Genre by Anne R. Allen

10 Things Beginning Writers Must Do by Anne R. Allen

5 Tips to Pick Up the Pace by Dana Isaacson

Copy Editing Secrets by Hank Phillippi Ryan

5 Tips to Keep a Series Fresh by Daryl Wood Gerber

World-Building: Captivate Readers and Never Let Go by Kristen Lamb

Seeing Through a Character’s Eyes: Literally by Kathryn Craft

Three Modes of Story Imagination by Donald Maass

Trademark Tips for Writers – How to Protect Your Creative Work by Matt Knight

Writing Mistakes: Choosing Between Plotting vs. Pantsing by Michael Woodson

10 Relaxing Activities to Rediscover Your Writing Voice by Miles Oliver


About This Writing Stuff…

This week, screenwriter Taika Waititi weighs in with morsels of screenwriting (and storytelling) wisdom. Niesha Davis explains the value of sensitivity readers while Allison Williams provides guidance on the effective use of social media. Speaking of which, Philip Athans ponders how much writers need to reveal about themselves online.

Over at Career Authors, Erin Flanagan offers guilt-free advice for those burned out on writing and Paula Munier reviews the rules on POV and how to break them with authority.

All that and a lot more. Enjoy!

Craft a Killer Fantasy Premise Using Good versus Evil by Amy Wilson

What Do Our Readers Need to Know About Us? by Philip Athans

Sweet Emotion by James Scott Bell

10 Pieces of Screenwriting Wisdom from Taika Waititi by Ken Miyamoto

Hiding Your Villain in Plain Sight by Sarah Penner

Being the Boss of Your Author Business by Karen A. Chase

The Daring Writer’s Guide to Point of View by Paula Munier

Burnt Out on Writing? 5 Tips for a Productive Break by Erin Flanagan

Nine Ways to Describe Your Viewpoint Character by Chris Winkle

Writers, Stop Using Social Media (Like That) by Allison Williams via Jane Friedman

Don’t Self-Publish a Book Before Answering These Crucial Questions by J.J. Hebert

Ten Years of Self-Publishing (2012-2022) by Alliance of Independent Authors

What to Expect When Hiring a Sensitivity Reader by Niesha Davis via  Leigh Shulman’s blog.


About This Writing Stuff…

This week, Anne R. Allen warns us against critiques that do more harm than good while Amanda Bennett takes a graphical approach to story structure.

C.S. Lakin encourages us to be the Foley artists of our fiction, Sarah Gribbles delves into the elements of compelling short stories, and Matt Knight reviews basics of copyright law.

Jaime Herndon and Adam Gabbatt address the alarming rise in book burning and book banning, respectively.

All that and a little more. Enjoy!

10 Dangerous Critiques: Beware Bad Writing Advice by Anne R. Allen

Copyright Basics for Writers by Matt Knight

How I Came Up with My Story Structure Mash-Up by Amanda Bennet

US Conservatives Linked to Rich Donors Wage Campaign to Ban Books from Schools by Adam Gabbatt

Draft2Digital Acquires Smashwords by Kevin Tumlinson

Rereading Fahrenheit 451 in an Age of Mass Censorship by Jaime Herndon

Grab the Popcorn and Improve Your Novel by Wendall Thomas

How to Use Framing Devices in Fiction by Heather Webb

How to Effectively Bring Sounds into Your Fiction by C.S. Lakin

What is a Satire and How Do I Write One? by Susanne Bennett

Elements of a Short Story by Sarah Gribble

About This Writing Stuff…

After a two-month hiatus, About This Writing Stuff is back. What was once a bi-weekly blog post became monthly and now it happens whenever I can get to it. As I’m working on a new novel, blogging has fallen off the radar… mostly. Onward!

This week, the folks at MasterClass provide tips and examples for writing an effective novel synopsis while over at Screencraft, Ken Miyamoto warns against embellishing your screenwriting creds until you have legitimate screenwriting creds.

Speaking of creds, Liza Nash Taylor and Patricia Bradley offer advice on getting your work out there whether submitting or promoting. Hank Phillippi Ryan discusses proper etiquette when requesting a book blurb, Chris Winkle teaches best practices when using foreshadowing, and Joslyn Chase reviews writing techniques in the mystery, suspense, and thriller genres.

All that and a little more. Happy Holidays!

What is a Novel Synopsis? Here are Two Examples by MasterClass Staff

3 Most Common Screenwriter Exaggerations, White Lies, and Embellishments by Ken Miyamoto

How to Tell a Story: The Rule of Three by Anne R. Allen

How to Handle the Blurb Thing by Hank Phillippi Ryan

Getting Your Book Noticed by Patricia Bradley

Foreshadowing Reveals is Easier Than You Think by Chris Winkle

Street Cred: Getting Your Work Noticed by Liza Taylor Nash

Uses for Scrivener Beyond Your Manuscript by Gwen Hernandez

Genre Conventions: How to Satisfy Suspense Readers by Meeting Expectations by Joslyn Chase

How to Use Vivid Verbs to Bring Your Scenes to Life  by J.D. Edwin

About This Writing Stuff…

This week’s lineup bring us several “how-to” articles including writing diverse and developed characters, marketing your book without social media, and outlining your novel (or not).

Is writing for TV better than writing feature films? Ken Miyamoto discusses. Confused about when and how to use a Framing Device in your story? Britton Perelman explains.

Jennie Nash explores the importance of asking yourself why you feel compelled to write that story that’s been bouncing around in your head. Over at Sidebar Saturdays, Matt Knight delves into estate planning for writers while at the Kill Zone, James Scott Bell argues on behalf of going exclusive with KDP and Kindle Unlimited.

All that and a little more. Enjoy!

Elevator Pitching: How to Grab Someone’s Attention in 30 Seconds or Less by David Young

How to Write Diverse Characters (And, Also, Are You Qualified?) by Joiya Morrison-Efemini

How to Create Characters by Kristen Overman

Why Writing TV is Better than Writing Feature Films (and Why it’s Not) by Ken Miyamoto

Everything You Need to Know About Framing Devices by Britton Perelman

Sequencing and Layering: Advanced Techniques That Will Improve Your Writing by Kevin Nelson

Why Write This Book? by Jennie Nash via Jane Friedman

How to Market Your Book Without Social Media by Carol J. Michel

Warning to Writers: You Won’t See This New Publishing Scam Coming by Anne R. Allen

How to Outline Your Novel. Or Not by Hank Phillippi Ryan

On Going Exclusive by James Scott Bell

Estate Planning for Writers by Matt Knight

Estate Planning for Writers Part II – Transferring Intellectual Property to a Corporate Entity by Matt Knight

World-Building Through Architecture by Dave King



About This Writing Stuff…

This week, Shanee Edwards offers advice on creating a powerful antagonist while James Scott Bell teaches us practical thaumaturgy for conjuring short stories.

Brian Andrews explains the importance of self-editing and developmental editing, while mythcreant Chris Winkle delves into crafting effective descriptions.

Joslyn Chase steps us through ten  ways to add foreshadowing, and Porter Anderson discusses the dangers of self-censorship.

All that and little more. Enjoy!


5 Tips for Negotiating Your Author Agreements by Joseph Perry via Anne R. Allen

Writing Rising Action by Linda S. Clare

A Love of Mystery is Woven into Our Biology, and Edgar Allan Poe was the First to Find the Formula for a Very Specific Dopamine Hit by Jonah Lehrer

7 Tips for Writing Bad Ass Antagonists by Shanee Edwards

The 3 Pass Rough Draft—Embracing Editing (Part I) by Brian Andrews

Developmental Editing —Embracing Editing (Part II) by Brian Andrews

Dialog and POV by Philip Athans

Creating and Resolving Conflict in Your Novel by Clare Langley-Hawthorne

The Alchemy and the Craft by James Scott Bell

What Do Writers Need to Describe? by Chris Winkle

Flights of Self-Censorship by Porter Anderson

Foreshadowing: 10 Clever Methods to Write an Engaging Plot Twist by Joslyn Chase