Tag Archives: donna brennan

After Action Report: Write Stuff Conference 2025

The weekend before St. Patrick’s Day saw a new and improved venue for the Write Stuff writers conference, organized by the Greater Lehigh Valley Writers Group (GLVWG).  For 2025, our home was the beautiful Homewood Suites in Center Valley, PA.

I wasn’t able to attend on Thursday, so my conference began at 9AM on Friday with keynote speaker Tiffany Yates Martin teaching her excellent full day class on Mastering Backstory. I was interested in this topic given the fact that my first novel, Testing the Prisoner, is a poster child for backstory, memories, and flashbacks. I must have done something right since the book has won eight awards and continues to earn excellent reviews!

Tiffany Yates Martin teaching Mastering Backstory at the Write Stuff writers conference

Friday evening’s events began at 7PM with an excellent presentation on How to Go Deep with Point of View by writer pal, Dianna Sinovic and concluded with our traditional 8PM soiree starring Mark Twain (portrayed by Charles B. Kiernan) who regaled us with a brief anecdote of his writer’s  journey.

Writer pal Ginny Shephard as Professor Minerva McGonnegal

Saturday was the final day of the Write Stuff conference. In the morning, I attended two brilliant  presentations by Katherine Ramsland on Creating Mental Maps and Observation for Writers. In between, Tiffany Yates Martin discussed ways to avoid that Middle of the Book Sag after which, she delivered an inspiring keynote speech over lunch.

I skipped the afternoon classes to set up my table for the book fair.  At about 4PM, the classes ended and the shopping began as well as the judging and awards for the flash literature contest.

Phil's table at the Write Stuff 2025 Book Fair

In addition to the new hotel, another element that made this year’s conference special was the release of our 2025 anthology, Writing a Wrong, which included my 30th published short story, “Give Them Peace,” the first short story featuring psychic-medium Miranda Lorensen from my paranormal mystery novels. Special thanks to Dianna Sinovic for managing the anthology from start to finish. I hope to take over for the 2027 anthology.

Writing a Wrong Anthology Cover   Give Them Peace

It was a blast spending two days with so many friends and colleagues in the writing community including GLVWG president Angel Ackerman, Dianna Sinovic, Charles Kiernan, Ginny Shepherd, Bob Gelik, Susan Kling Monroe, Carla Jones, Tammy Burke, GLVWG’s official photographer, Joan Zachary, Write Stuff co-chairs Charles Kiernan and Donna Brennan, Joanne McLaiughlin, and Ann Stolinsky from Celestial Echo Press, and so many more!

Onward to the next one…

About This Writing Stuff…

This week, Chris Winkle reviews common IT mistakes in fiction and how to correct them while Angela Ackerman helps us improve our character descriptions. Speaking of characters, Ruth Harris runs through a roll call of irresistible rogues and shows us how they can spice up our fiction.

Nate Hoffelder offers financial advice for first time self-publishers and Crystal King provides a brief tutorial on Instagram.  Kristen Lamb talks breakout novels and gatekeepers, Maria Grace reminds us that mere machinery does not good science fiction make, and writer pal Donna DeLoretta Brennan is in the spotlight for her new short story collection!

All that and a bit of counseling from Konrath, too. Enjoy!

Five Information Technology Blunders and How to Fix Them by Chris Winkle

Character Descriptions: Avoiding the Boring Stuff by Angela Ackerman via Jami Gold

Six Things Writers Need to Stop Worrying About by Joe Konrath

Instagram 101 for Authors by Crystal King

How to Waste Money When Self-Publishing a First Book by Nate Hoffelder

Rogue Characters: The Secret to Compelling Fiction by Ruth Harris

Forget the Mess-It’s a Time for a Story with Donna DeLoretto Brennan via Catherine Castle

Science Fiction: More than Gizmos by Maria Grace via Kristen Lamb

The Breakout Novel and Why Publishing is Desperate for the Next Big Thing and Gatekeepers & Good Books: Trophy Fishing in a Literary Tsunami  by Kristen Lamb