Tag Archives: farpoint

Life Might Knock Me Down, but It Can’t Keep Me Down

I took my beatings in 2024, from being hobbled by severe arthritis in my knee to my mother’s sudden death in June to a home repair imbroglio that is now in litigation for who-knows-how-long. This was one of the most chaotic years of my life, filled with stress, grief, anxiety, and depression. 

Despite all of that, I had plenty of reasons to be grateful. So many, in fact, that I filled my gratitude box (pictured below) with slips of paper on which is written all of the exceptional things that happened to me throughout the year. On New Year’s Eve, which is tomorrow as I write this, I’ll open the box and review each slip as a reminder of those wonderful people, places, and moments that sustained me in 2024 even through the darkest days. I’d like to take a few moments to list some of them here. 

Gratitude Box Gratitude Box

Testing the Prisoner Front CoverTesting the Prisoner (second edition) continued to win awards this year, picking up seven more including the spring BookFest competition, an International Impact Award, two PennCraft awards, the Pennsylvania Press Club, National Federation of Press Women, and the Independent Author Network. 

By Your Side Front Cover featuring protagonist Miranda Lorensen carrying a young boy while two ghosts stand behind her.By Your Side (second edition) was released in July amid the aforementioned chaos and while I could not give it the promotional attention is deserved, it went on to win three awards in the fall BookFest competition and has been submitted to three other awards. Results to be announced next year. 

Ruth's and Ann's Guide to Time TravelAfter a two-year dry spell, my short story efforts also rebounded with the publication of “A Thorne in Time” in Ruth and Ann’s Guide to Time Travel – Volume I by Celestial Echo Press. The book was released in August with a successful book launch at the Philadelphia Science Fiction Convention (Philcon) in November. 

In early June, I was stunned when Black Cat Weekly—an online SF, fantasy, and mystery magazine edited by the amazing John Betancourt—accepted my science fiction adventure tale “In the Span of a Heartbeat” which will be published sometime in the first quarter of 2025. Watch this space! 

In October, I spent a beautiful five days in Ligonier, Pennsylvania at the Mindful Writers Retreat, an event I attend almost every year. It’s a chance for me to focus on writing without the distractions of life and to connect with a community of writers in the western PA area that I otherwise only chat with on social media. More, the Ligonier Camp and Conference center is nestled in the Laurel Highlands region of the Allegheny Mountains, which is resplendent during autumn and perfect for walking through the woods and along the trails.



Bright Mirror - An upcoming anthology by Oddity Prodigy ProductionsIn November, my science fiction story “Isaac Geary’s Instant Utopia” was accepted by Oddity Prodigy Productions for their upcoming science fiction anthology, Bright Mirror, slated for a March 2025 release. 

‌‌This month, my ghost story “Give Them Peace” was accepted by the Greater Lehigh Writers Group for publication in our 2025 anthology Writing a Wrong, also due out in March. Per tradition, the book will launch at the Write Stuff writers conference.

And to cap off the year, I submitted a story to Flame Tree Press yesterday for their Robots Past & Future anthology to be released in August 2025. The deadline is January 1, 2025. I learned about the open call on December 3rd and managed to conjure up a story by Christmas Day. My critique partners were kind enough to turn around their comments within three days. 

Write Stuff PromoAlthough I had to cancel my summer vacation and my appearance at Shore Leave  when my mother died, I managed to attend Farpoint in February, the Write Stuff writers conference in March, and the Lehigh Valley Comic Con in August and again in December. As always, they were wonderful experiences and I’ll back again on the con scene again next year, including Shore Leave.

So while life knocked me down this year, it couldn’t keep me down. I’m still moving forward with gratitude, hope, and a determination to thrive in 2025. I wish you much peace, joy, and success in the new year. 


Farewell to a Home Away from Home

On Saturday, October 28th, a few hundred longtime attendees of Farpoint and Shore Leave SF conventions descended on the Marriott Delta in Hunt Valley, MD to bid the hotel goodbye. After 40+ years of hosting genre conventions, the hotel will close on October 31. According to the rumor mill, the building will be demolished and replaced by a Tesla dealership or condos or both.

My wife and I spent part of the day wandering the hotel and taking final pictures all while a dog show was in progress. Adorable pooches everywhere, which added an element of fun to an otherwise bittersweet occasion.

It was wonderful to spend time with so many old friends including Sharon VanBlarcom, Steve and Renee Wilson, June Swords, Daniel Patrick Corcoran, Cindy Shockey, Bob Greenberger, Royce Essig, Sashi German, Susanna Reilly, Rhonda Greene, Diane Baron, Blair Learn, Paul Balze, Lance and Cindy Woods, Inge Heyer, Jay and Pam Smith, Danielle Ackley-McPhail, Mike McPhail, Ann Hande, Susan Staneslow Olesen, and more. Apologies if I’m forgetting anyone.

While at the farewell party, Farpoint announced their new home at the Hilton Doubletree in Pikesville, MD. Shore Leave will make a similar announcement in the coming weeks.



After Action Report: FrightReads Book Festival

On Saturday, September 30, I attended the third annual FrightReads Book Festival in Millersville, MD as an author guest. It was my first time there and will certainly not be my last.

It was a magical weekend of hanging out with old friends, making new ones, and putting faces to names I’d only known through Discord or social media.

I managed to sell 14 books (not bad for my first time at this event) and as a bonus, my hotel was directly across the street from the Bass Pro Shops in Arundel Mills and I had a $50 gift card to burn, which meant a new winter jacket!

Many thanks to showrunner Harry Carpenter and his wonderful staff. Check out these pics from the show. I look forward to next year!

All set up and ready for the show!
Photo credit: Jay Smith

My table at FrightReads Book Festival   Rachel at FrightReads Book Festival

My table at FrightReads Book Festival

My table at FrightReads Book Festival

Sharon VB and Laura at the Farpoint Table
Always great to see Farpoint friends! Sharon Van Blarcom and Laura Inglis on Sunday. Not pictured: Cindy Shockey held down the Farpoint fort on Saturday.
Sawney Hatton and Jason Voorhees
Run, Sawney, run!

Girl from The Ring   The Jackal from 13 Ghosts

Michael Myers  Stay Puft Marshmallow Man

Pam and Jay Smith
Wonderful chatting with Pam and Jay Smith. Despite the humidity, Pam braved it out in costume until 4PM on Saturday. It was definitely a shorts and T-shirt weekend.






Pam and Jay Smith

Krampus   Krampus

Jurassic Park Jeep

GhostBusters Ectomobile

GhostBusters Ectomobile

GhostBusters Ecto 1B Car

Farpoint 2023 Recap

Farpoint’s 30th anniversary has come and gone and it was a fantastic weekend filled with amazing cosplayers (far more than pictured below), lively discussion panels, cooperative weather, and most importantly, quality time with friends.

Vintage Paperbacks
Treasures from the dealer room at Farpoint.
Saturday Night at the Writers Lounge
Saturday Night in the lounge with Keith DeCandido, Russ Colchamiro, Glenn Hauman, Christopher D. Abbott, Mary Fan, Danielle Ackley-McPhail, Wrenn Simms, Michael Jan Friedman, Phil Giunta, Jonathan Roth. Out of frame: Heather Hutsell and Aaron Rosenberg
Blair Learn and the Famous Farpoint Snow Shovel
Blair Learn and the Famous Farpoint Snow Shovel
Horse on Wall
It’s those horses in every hotel room. They stare… neigh, they judge. Neigh, I say!
Captain Phasma
Photo credit: Blair Learn
The Guinans
Photo credit: Paul Balze
Photo credit: Danielle Ackley-McPhail
Star Trek: First Contact
Star Trek: First Contact
Toy Story
Photo credit: Laura Inglis
Dumb and Dumber and The Mask!
Dumb and Dumber and The Mask!
Evil Queen
Photo credit: Danielle Ackley-McPhail
Carmen San Diego meets Seven of Nine
Carmen Sandiego meets Seven of Nine
Admiral Kirk - Star Trek: The Motion Picture
Photo credit: Blair Learn
Admiral Kirk - Star Trek II
Admiral Kirk – Star Trek II
Captain Avatar
Captain Avatar – Starblazers


Into That Good Night

It’s taken me a week to write this blog post. I could blame that on a few recent disruptions in my life, but the truth is that I needed time to gather my thoughts, which have been muddled in a torrent of emotions as of late.

In the first week of June, I lost two wonderful friends within days of each other.

Sandy Zier-TeitlerOn June 2, I received word that Sandy Zier-Teitler had died at the age of 67 after a series of health complications.

I met Sandy at the Farpoint SF convention over 20 years ago, but her history in fandom dates back much further. She was a legend in the Maryland convention scene, having worked for ClipperCon, OktoberTrek, and Farpoint. She was also a writer and editor for the Star Trek fanzine Mind Meld.

My friendship with Sandy solidified when I started publishing with Firebringer Press, owned by friend, fellow writer, and Farpoint co-founder, Steven H. Wilson. Sandy was the line editor on my novels and was always enthusiastic to read my next story. Hers was one of the most encouraging and effusive voices in my writing career. I’m grateful to have been her friend.

Jessica Headlee as the Shore Leave Rabbit

On June 6, one of the most adorable, intelligent, and vibrant young women I ever met lost her battle with a rare form of cancer at the age of 25.

My wife and I met Jessica Headlee through SF fandom and got to know her when she and our friend Ethan Wilson began dating around 2014 or so.  Jess became a ubiquitous presence in the Maryland SF convention scene, volunteering at Balticon, Farpoint, and Shore Leave where she was often seen dressed as the Shore Leave mascot (the giant rabbit from the original Star Trek episode from which the con derives its name).

Jessica also joined us in Rehoboth Beach for our summer vacations with the Wilson family every July. She was a marine biologist with a passion for saving our environment.  Jess and Ethan were married on the beach in Rehoboth in October 2019.

In June 2018, I drove down to Maryland to help the Wilsons with landscaping and yard cleanup at Steve’s parents’ house.

There was a point when I took a break and stepped into the kitchen. I was alone and my thoughts drifted to whatever problems were plaguing my life at the time and exacerbating my depression. At that moment, Jess happened to walk in and observe the despondent expression on my face. She said, “Oh my God, Phil! It can’t be that bad!”

She snapped me out of my dark reverie and for the rest of the day, I realized that it can never be that bad when you’re surrounded by friends who care. Of all the memories I have of Jessica, this is the one I will cherish the most.

Ethan and Jess at Rehoboth 2019

After Action Report: Philcon 82

Philcon 82The 82nd annual Philadelpha SF Convention (Philcon) has come and gone and, for me, it was one of the best yet. I participated in four edifying and—in the case of Compassionate Representation of Mental Illness in Fiction—intense discussion panels.

I was not scheduled for any panels on Friday, which allowed me to browse the dealer room and pick up over 20 classic SF paperbacks before enjoying dinner at Houlihan’s with Sharon Van Blarcom and Sarah Yaworsky from the Farpoint Convention and fellow writer Chris Ochs.

Classic SF PaperbacksChristmas Tree-Cherry Hill, NJ

Saturday was a busy day with three discussion panels and an autograph session. I was honored to share the autograph table with Hugo and Nebula award-winning SF author Michael Swanwick. We had a delightful conversation about classic speculative fiction authors such as Robert Silverberg, Harlan Ellison, Phil K. Dick, Philip José Farmer, and others.

How to Discover New Authors Panel
Saturday Discussion Panel – How Does a Reader Discover New Authors? – Photo Credit: Michael Ventrella
Discussion Panel-Your Story Doesn't Start until Page Eleven?
Sunday Discussion Panel – Your Story Doesn’t Start until Page Eleven? – Photo Credit: James Beall

In between panels, I sat with Farpoint Chair Sharon Van Blarcom at the Farpoint Convention table. Once we closed up at 6PM, I joined Sharon, Farpoint committee member Brian Sarcinelli, and Shore Leave Co-Chair Inge Heyer in the hotel restaurant for about an hour before joining writer pals Aaron Rosenberg, Glenn Hauman, Heather Hutsell, and several others for dinner at Whole Hog BBQ.

Scary Stuff Front Cover

One of the highlights of the weekend was the launch of the Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign by Oddity Prodigy Productions for their upcoming horror anthology, Scary Stuff. My ghost story, “Burn After Writing” will be included in the book. Scary Stuff is an homage to the classic EC Comics titles such as Tales from the Crypt, Vault of Horror, Haunt of Fear, Creepy, etc. Click here to learn more about the project including the contributing authors and the various donation levels. Thank you for supporting small press authors!

Christmas Tree-Cherry Hill, NJSunday morning saw me at two discussion panels–Your Story Doesn’t Start Until Page Eleven? and Rituals for Conjuring Novel Titles. Both of which were fun and engaging for the panelists and the audience.

As I was packing my car to leave on Sunday, I noticed this massive Christmas tree directly across from the Crowne Plaza hotel on Park Avenue. Although still a bit early in the season, it was a cheerful ending to a succesful weekend. As always, I look forward to returning next November!