Tag Archives: greater lehigh valley writers group

After Action Report: Witches Day Out & Easton Book Festival

The weekend of October 21-22 was a hectic one with back to back book events. On Saturday the 21st, I had an author table at a local family Halloween event called Witches Day Out.

This event was founded about a decade ago by a friend and former co-worker who has since passed down the torch to her daughters. I had a table at their very first show held in a small bed and breakfast in Allentown, PA. Back then, it was a one-day event. Now, it’s three Saturdays in October at the Tri-Boro Sportsmen Club in Northampton, PA.

There were vendors both inside and out selling jewelry, crafts, candles, holiday decor, baked goods, tattoos, and of course, books. I only sold about six, but catching up with my co-worker and her daughters made the day wonderful in addition to the beautiful location on the Lehigh Canal, of course!

Deep gratitude to Lynn Murphy and her daughter Megan Schroy for inviting me back. Already looking forward to next year!

Phil's Table at Witches Day Out

Phil's Table at Witches Day Out

Outside vendors at Witches Day Out

Outside vendors at Witches Day Out

Lehigh Canal near Tri-Boro Sportsmen Club

Lehigh Canal near Tri-Boro Sportsmen Club

Sunday saw me participating in the final day of the 5th annual Easton Book Festival and for me, it was the best one yet as I  reunited with old friends, made new ones, and sold a few books.

At 11AM, I moderated a wonderful panel called “Grit & Crime: The Art of Writing Noir” with Dianna Sinovic, Suzanne Mattaboni, and Albert Tucher. All of us have stories in Hard-Boiled and Loaded with Sin, the latest crime fiction anthology by Hawkshaw Press. The panel was held at Book & Puppet Company on Centre Square, one of the hubs of the festival.

Throughout the day, I dashed to and from my table at the Easton Public Market to participate in other events including “Dark & Stormy Night” book reading competition at 2PM in Book & Puppet. This is always a fun event with my fellow members of the Greater Lehigh Valley Writers Group. This time around, participants included Dianna Sinovic as scorekeeper, Charles Kiernan as timekeeper and quizmaster, John Evans as our host and inventor of the competition, and my fellow readers Michael Daigle and Suzanne Mattaboni.

All told, it was a magical weekend of fun and camaraderie. Hats off to EBF President Lynn Alexander, Vice President Darrell Parry, Festival Director Andy Laties, Secretary John Evans, and the entire committee and staff. Looking forward to next October!

Art of Writing Noir Discussion Panel
Photo credit: Andy Laties, festival director and owner of Book & Puppet Co.
Dark & Stormy Night Book Reading
Photo credit: Joseph Malham
Phil's Table at Easton Book Festival
Photo credit: Lynn Alexander, president of Easton Book Festival
Phil's Table at Easton Book Festival
Photo credit: Lynn Alexander, president of Easton Book Festival

Book Fair at Easton Book Festival

Book Fair at Easton Book Festival

Book Fair at Easton Book Festival

Short Stories, Novellas, and Novels… Oh My!

A few weeks ago, lovely and perspicacious writer pal Sara Karnish threw some questions at me about novels, novellas, and short stories and from my addled, sleep-deprived brain, I conjured up some reasonably cogent replies (or a reasonable facsimile thereof).

Check out the interview on the Greater Lehigh Valley Writers Group blog!

The second edition of my first paranormal mystery novel, Testing the Prisoner, is out now in ebook and paperback!

Testing the Prisoner

And if you’re in the Lehigh Valley this coming weekend, October 19-22, come on out to the Easton Book Festival for a dazzling array of writers and poets offering readings, panel discussions, presentations, and more!

Easton Book Festival Small Press Expo

Easton Book Festival 2023

October is nearly upon us and with it, the Easton Book Festival, which will take place October 19-22 in downtown Easton, PA. The central hub of the festival is Book & Puppet Company at 22 Centre Square but programming is scheduled all over town including:

International Fusionism Museum
Nurture Nature Center
College Hill Tavern
Easton Area Public Library
Skillman Library
Quadrant Book Mart
Easton Farmers Market

The full schedule of impressive events can be found here on the festival website.

I’ll be participating on Sunday, October 22 in the following events:

Easton Book Festival Small Press Expo11AM – 5PM – Easton Small Press Expo. Author tables will set up in the Easton Public Market located at 325 Northampton St. Come on out to see local writers Angel Ackerman, Michael Stephen Daigle, Phil Giunta, Christopher Ochs, Ginny Shephard, Felicia Heath, Dianna Sinovic, and Tom Lubben.

Hard-Boiled and Loaded with Sin Book Cover11AM – Noon – Grit and Crime: The Art of Writing Noir with Albert Tucher, Suzanne Mattaboni, Dianna Sinovic, Phil Giunta (moderator).

Noir is a subgenre of crime literature featuring cynical characters and bleak settings. Dark in theme and subject matter, noir often features systemic corruption and a disturbing mixture of sex and violence. It is frequently associated with hard-boiled detective fiction, but they’re not exactly the same. Panelists will discuss the similarities and differences between noir and hard-boiled fiction, and what inspired them to write in these genres. Panelists will read excerpts from their stories in “Hard-Boiled and Loaded with Sin,” the latest crime noir anthology from Hawkshaw Press.

Dark and Stormy Night Gameshow2PM – 3PM – A Dark and Stormy Night: Game Show with Greater Lehigh Valley Writers Group. Host: John Evans. Participants: Phil Giunta, Bernadette Sukley, Michael Stephen Daigle, Suzanne Mattaboni, Dianna Sinovic, Charles Kiernan.

Storm clouds gather as the audience votes on their favorite excerpts read by three GLVWG authors in a literary “gameshow.” Each round showcases the authors’ mastery of an element of fiction: dialogue, setting, character with the audience as the judge. Expect audience participation, a literary trivia quiz, door prizes, and fun for all.

3:45PM – 4PM – I will be reading a 10-minute excerpt (unless I speak quickly and finish the entire thing!) from my short story, “Where Halloween Never Ends” at the Easton Public Market.

About This Writing Stuff…

Nice to hear from a few writer friends on the blog this month. Sara Karnish reminds us about proper critique etiquette and discusses the writer/editor relationship with Pattie Giordani.

It is said that your focus determines your reality. That applies to fictional characters as well. However, there are occasions in real life when we deliberately ignore or avoid something unpleasant. Writer pal Kathryn Craft shows us effective ways to depict that in our characters.

Over at Good Story Company, Amy Wilson draws a distinct line between editing and revision while Kristen Overman delves into the “chosen one” trope and how to ensure your hero is up to the task.

Struggling with book marketing? With a writing drought? With imposter syndrome? We got you covered on all three this month.

All that and a little more. Enjoy!

Follow the Energy of Denial by Kathryn Craft

Chosen One Stories: Is Your Hero Worthy of the Journey? by Kristen Overman

How Right Do Your Characters Have to Be? by Terry Odell

How to Give a Critique (Without Being Too Critical) by Sara Karnish

I Would Rather See My Books Pirated Than This (Or Why Goodreads and Amazon are Becoming Dumpster Fires) by Jane Friedman

How to Market Your Books to Get Worldwide Exposure by Diana Urban

How Authors Use Preorders to Promote New Books in 2023 by AJ Yee

5 Things Influencers Look for in a Book by Ryan Steck

5 Ways to Survive a Publishing Drought by Katrina Kittle

The Difference Between Editing and Revising by Amy Wilson

The Author/Editor Relationship: A Q&A with Pattie Giordani by Sara Karnish

How to Escape Imposter Syndrome in Your Writing Life by Lynette M. Burrows



Battle of the Books

On Wednesday, July 26, I shared a wonderful evening at my local library with several fellow writers for Battle of the Books, a game show in which three writers read three-minute excerpts from their novels or short stories in six rounds. The rounds include opening scene, introducing a character, action, dialogue, random page (chosen by the audience) and closing scene. After each round, the audience votes on their favorite reading. Following this, our quizmaster reads an excerpt from a famous novel and the audience is given the opportunity to answer and win a prize.

The random page segment was cut for time but it was a blast to read alongside Suzanne Grieco Mattaboni and Dianna Sinovic. John Evans was our Alex Trebek, Charles B. Kiernan our quizmaster, Judy England-McCarthy our timekeeper, and Michael Daigle kept score.

As a bonus, I sold a few books afterwards but more importantly, shared a few hours with amazing friends for a welcome midweek break. This was my fourth Battle of the Books, and one of the best yet.

Battle of the Books was created about seven years ago by John Evans as a public outreach event for the Greater Lehigh Valley Writers Group.

Books for Sale at Battle of the Books  Contestants at Battle of the Books

Chaz Kiernan-Quizmaster at Battle of the Books  John Evans and Phil Giunta at Battle of the Books

John Evans-Host of Battle of the Books  Michael Daigle and Judy England-McCarthy

Phil Giunta at Battle of the Books  Suzanne Mattaboni-Battle of the Books

Hard-Boiled on Kindle Vella!

Excited to report that my detective story, “Pearl of Great Price,” will be featured in the upcoming crime noir anthology, Hard-Boiled and Loaded with Sin, slated to release in paperback and ebook on June 26, 2023.
Congrats to Suzanne Mattaboni, Diana Sinovic, and Albert Tucher—fellow members of the Greater Lehigh Writers Group—on their contributions to the anthology.
Right now, Hawkshaw Press has made parts one through three of Albert’s tale, “The Third Refill,” available for your FREE reading pleasure on Kindle Vella. Click here to check it out!
Hard-Boiled and Loaded with Sin Book Cover