Tag Archives: phil giunta
About This Writing Stuff…
This week, Ken Miyamoto provides a regimen for becoming a screenwriter in one year. Chris Winkle offers suggestions for maintaining tension during those in-between scenes (often called sequels) while Donald Maass shows us how to meld the mundane and spectacular in our stories to suspend the reader’s disbelief.
We delve into all things editing with Patti Callhan Henry, PJ Parrish, and Jim Dempsey. Julie Glover reminds us of how real life can be fodder for fiction, and NYT bestselling author Jeffrey Deaver reveals his 13 rules for writing fiction that sells.
All that a little more. Enjoy!
365 Days: How to Become a Screenwriter in One Year by Ken Miyamoto
Self-Editing Secret: Listen Carefully by Patti Callahan Henry
Editing: The Three Levels of Hell by PJ Parrish
What to Expect from an Editor by Jim Dempsey
Five Ways to Restore Tension by Chris Winkle
The Real vs. The Unreal by Donald Maass
How Much of Our Real Life Shows Up in Our Fiction? by Julie Glover
List of Fantasy Magazines and Journals by Richie Billing
10 Things Screenwriters Don’t Need to Worry About by Ken Miyamoto
Jeffrey Deaver: Thirteen Rules for Writing Commercial Fiction by Diana Belchase (video)
Book Review: A Thousand Degrees Below Zero by Murray Leinster
In the middle of summer, an ice floe materializes in New York harbor, leaving two ships in distress. During the ensuing confusion, a strange black aircraft descends and hovers over the scene before vanishing as quickly as it appeared. Shortly after, several more ice “cakes” form without warning in the Straits of Gibraltar, Folkestone Harbor, and Yokohama.
With panic mounting across the globe, a manifesto is sent to the British government from a man named Wladislaw Varrhus, who announces his intention to assume control of all world governments and establish himself as dictator. If the nations fail to meet his demands, more waterways will be frozen, disrupting commerce.
The American military consults with one Professor Hawkins and his assistant Teddy Gerrod, who develop a method to neutralize Varrhus’s “cold bombs”—but the deranged inventor is not so easily foiled. He not only returns with an improved version of his cold bomb, but murders Professor Hawkins in revenge. With the help of the professor’s daughter, Evelyn, and an American pilot named Davis, Teddy devises a plan to defeat Varrhus.
A Thousand Degrees Below Zero was Murray Leinster’s (William Fitzgerald Jenkins) first published novella, featured in the July 1919 edition of The Thrill Book pulp magazine. It’s a typical Leinster story with two-dimensional protagonists and a plot that relies heavily on the science and technology of the time with inventive twists. A fun science fiction adventure tale that would make an enjoyable TV movie.
Book Review: Philip Jose Farmer’s Night of Light
After fleeing Earth to the planet Kareen, thief and murderer John Carmody is taken in by two Catholic missionaries who order him on a covert fact-finding mission to the Temple of Boonta on the eve of an annual ritual known as the Night of Light.
Most Kareenans take sedatives to ensure that they sleep during the chaotic and savage Night. To remain awake is to be subjected to torturous hallucinations, to lose one’s sanity, and potentially, to be murdered or commit suicide.
Fearless and irreverent, Carmody mocks all religions, until he defies regulations and remains awake during the Night in an attempt to assassinate a god incarnate named Yess. According to Kareenan beliefs, the goddess Boonta has two sons, the benevolent Yess and the evil Algul, each of whom are reborn through the ages and take turns ruling Kareen.
As me makes his way through the streets to the temple where Yess has concealed himself for the Night, Carmody is confronted by bizarre, disturbing visions that eventually compel him to renounce his old life and convert to Catholicism.
Years later, after returning to Earth and undergoing rehabilitation, Carmody enters the priesthood and is ordered by the Church to return to Kareen and dissuade the latest incarnation of Yess from sending missionaries to spread Boontism to other worlds. However, vestiges of Carmody’s old life reemerge as the Night of Light is once again nearly upon Kareen…
Strong in both plot and character arc, Night of Light is yet another captivating, original, and wildly imaginative example of Philip Jose Farmer’s propensity for using science fiction as a milieu to explore and question long-established religious beliefs. This is also evidenced by some of his other works, such as Inside Outside and the Riverworld series.
Goodbye, Dolle’s?
Just before Christmas, the news broke that Dolle’s Salt Water Taffy would be leaving their current location on the corner of the boardwalk and Rehoboth Avenue when their lease expires on January 31. Although relatively minor, this is yet another disappointing development in 2020. I hope they find a way to keep the iconic Dolle’s sign on display either in its current location or at another prominent site along the boardwalk or Rehoboth Avenue.
About This Writing Stuff
In our final edition of About This Writing Stuff for 2020, Ken Brosky offers advice for managing multiple narrators while Abigail Perry helps us decide when our story can support two protagonists.
Even as an inveterate plotter, I admit that Hank Phillippi Ryan makes a strong case for writing without an outline (aka pantsing, but I like her use of “emergent design”).
In the Kill Zone, Sue Coletta provides insightful tips for crafting a series bible while James Scott Bell shows us three ways to weave humor into our stories. Over at Mythcreants, Oren Ashkenazi discusses how to handle content edits and Chris Winkle suggests clever ways to describe your POV character.
If you’re considering self-publishing, I encourage you to take some pointers from Anne R. Allen, and if you’re struggling to find that powerful opening to your story, let Josyln Chase help.
All that and a lot more. Enjoy… and Happy Holidays!
How to Effectively Manage Multiple Narrators in Your Novel by Ken Brosky via Jane Friedman
5 Tell-Tale Signs of an Amateur Self-Published Book by Anne R. Allen
How to Write Without an Outline by Hank Phillippi Ryan
Productive Procrastination: Re-Purposing Downtime to Profitably Promote by Ellen Byron
6 Tips to Help You Network Like a Natural by Penny Sansevieri
Tips to Create a Series Bible by Sue Coletta
On Using Humor in Fiction by James Scott Bell
Five Things to Know When You Get Content Editing by Oren Ashkenazi
Nine Ways to Describe Your Viewpoint Character by Chris Winkle
Staging the Scene by John J. Kelley
The Secret for Creating Characters that Readers Want to Root For by J.D. Edwin
Can You Have More Than One Protagonist in Your Story? by Abigail Perry
How to Start Your Story: 10 Ways to Get Your Story off to a Great Start by Joslyn Chase
A Look at Literary Devices: What is Motif? by Sherry Howard
How a Limited vs. Tight Point of View Can Confuse Writers by Janice Hardy