In GPS we trust and that’s precisely what I did on my way to Philcon when my usual route through the City of Brotherly Love turned into a parking lot. If you know the area, you probably guessed the Schuylkill Expressway and you would be correct.
So instead of ol’ Ben Franklin, it was Walt Whitman what got me into New Jersey this time. I landed at the Cherry Hill Doubletree around 4PM, checked in, schlepped my baggage to my room, then proceeded to con registration to collect the usual accoutrements (badge and program book) before I was sent up four floors to con ops to pick up my tent card and free drink tickie for the opening reception.

In the lobby, I reunited with friends Ef Deal, Serg Koren, and Susanna Reilly. It was wonderful to catch up with them before my 7PM panel, Writing: The Long and Short of It adroitly moderated by writer pal, Hildy Silverman. Fellow panelists included Elektra Hammond, Marilyn “Mattie” Brahen, and Jim Stratton. We discussed such topics as developing short story plots, number of characters and points of view, and crafting short stories as standalone works versus passing off the opening chapter of a novel.
Photo credit: Michael Ventrella
As that was my one and only panel of the evening, I stopped by the freebie table where I picked up a few gems including a copy of Nate Segaloff’s authorized biography of one of my literary heroes, Harlan Ellison.

At 9PM, I attended an edifying panel on Finances for Creative Professionals led by veteran writer Susan Shwartz with James Stratton, Nate Hoffelder, David M. Axler, and Russell J. Handelman. The discussion went beyond tax deductions and touched on wills, trusts, long term care insurance, and literary executors. I walked out of there with a short list of items to take care of in the coming year.
Later, I meandered over to the opening reception where I used my drink ticket for a Pepsi (no booze for me) and chatted with writer buds Aaron Rosenberg and Russ Colchamiro from Crazy 8 Press and Neil Clarke, founder and editor of Clarkesworld Magazine before calling it a night.
Since I didn’t have a panel until noon on Saturday, it was time for more book shopping. Philcon’s dealer room never disappoints when it comes to vintage SF as you can see…

My noon panel was also my second and final one of the con (they took it easy on me this year). Horror Without Gore was moderated by Bram Stoker award nominee Carol Gyzander and included Amy Grech, Gary Frank, and Martin Joseph Berman-Gorvine. Through a lively discussion, we determined that yes, you can write a fine horror story without graphic blood and guts through the use of suspense, atmosphere, and psychological terror. Photo credits (below): Alp Beck.

The rest of the afternoon was spent sitting in on such panels as State of the Short Fiction Market moderated by Stephanie Burke with participants Neil Clarke and Margaret Riley followed by We ARE Living in Philip K. Dick’s Future, Aren’t We? with Michael Swanwick as impromptu moderator (in lieu of Gregory Frost), Ken Altabef, Lawrence Kramer, and Anatasia Klimchynskaya. The group analyzed aspects of contemporary society in the context of how it compares to Philip K. Dick’s dystopian vision. The short answer to the panel’s title is… yes we are.
After that, it was time for a delightful dinner in the hotel restaurant with friends Susanna Reilly and Francis Barron after which, fatigue set in and a power nap was in order. By the time I awoke, it was well past 8PM and I decided to stay in my room, write for a bit, watch some TV then call it a night.
The highlight of the con occurred on Sunday during my noon autograph session when Nebula-award winner Michael Swanwick invited me to his home in Philly for a small after party. I grew up in the section of the city where he has lived for decades but never knew it until we connected on Facebook three years ago. While there, I was honored yet again to meet SFWA Grand Master Samuel R. “Chip” Delaney. Michael and Chip are legends in science fiction literature and beyond and for two and a half hours on Sunday evening, I was in the presence of giants much in the same way as when I met another literary hero, Harlan Ellison, back in 1999. I drove home that night with treasured memories and an invitation from Michael to return next year. I look forward to it!