As an avid admirer of Harlan Ellison, I was excited to find a cache of his books in fine to excellent condition at a used bookstore late last year. It was a rare and wonderful discovery, as I hardly ever find Harlan’s backlist in such a quantity in any single location.
Partners in Wonder was one of the books I found that day. It is an anthology of collaborative stories between Harlan and some of the most famous SF and speculative fiction writers of that Golden Age such as Ben Bova, Robert Silverberg, A.E. Van Vogt, Robert Bloch, and others.
While these may not be considered the best works from Harlan or his co-conspirators—which Harlan himself admits in one instance during his brief introduction to “The Power of the Nail”—there is a wide variety of tales that demonstrate the depth and breadth of these august scribes. All told, it is an entertaining collection.
Speaking of Harlan’s introductions, each story has one and I enjoyed being regaled by his recollections of how each collaboration was born as much, if not more in some cases, than the stories themselves.
My favorites yarns in the bunch include:
I See a Man Sitting on a Chair, and the Chair is Biting His Leg – written with Robert Sheckley
Up Christopher to Madness – written with Avram Davidson
The Human Operators – written with A.E. Van Vogt
Wonderbird – written with Algis Budrys
The Song the Zombie Sang – written with Robert Silverberg
Street Scene – written with Keith Laumer