Tag Archives: saint joseph’s university

Finding Inspiration Down Memory Lane

Words of InspirationIt has been 25 years since I graduated from Saint Joseph’s University in Philadelphia, PA. At the time, a friend and fellow science fiction fan named Kathy Gowdy (now a professor at the Community College of Philadelphia) gifted me with a unique item—riddled with SF references—that has found a place on my wall no matter where I’ve lived since. To this day, I occasionally look to it for inspiration.  Now that I find myself in a minor personal crisis, I recently took a moment to read Kathy’s handwritten words of wisdom and comfort from a quarter century ago.

The image might be difficult to read, so I transcribed it for you below, correcting a few typos.

Stardate: 4/11/93
Temporarily: Earth

Dear Phil,

“Go boldly” through your journey in life, and may you become all that you never deemed possible. May your days be filled with humor, compassion, wonderment, and most of all, love. Let each day move you forward to become something greater than you have been in the past. Be free to reach your highest potential. Remember, you are never finished growing mentally, emotionally, or spiritually (even though you are already a frood).

“Live long and prosper,” and “May the force” of the Almighty be with you. Revel in the beauty of His creation, and no matter how far you trek through His universe, should you be lost, may you find your way home (and still have your towel with you too)!

Don’t seek to solve life’s mysteries; rather, search for the good in everything and everyone to find your answers. And when your own problems appear daunting, just stick out your thumb, or your Sub-Etha-Sens-O-Matic, pull out your “Guide,” and hitch a ride down the Intergalactic Highway of self-discovery (but beware of those vulgar Vogon ships). Only you can discover that (oh so) elusive inner peace and happiness, but finding the right humanoids will surely help. Even Holmes needed Watson in his most challenging moments.

Till we meet again on a distant planet, or in some parallel universe… “Don’t Panic!” No matter where you are—whatever difficulties you face—should you ever need a friend, “Never tell me the odds,” “Elementary!” ∼Wave your towel  ∼ I’ll find you.

Love your fellow hitchhiker,
